7Gertrude Baniszwewski’s House
3850 East New York Street, Indianapolis, Indiana
Via Examiner
Any social worker can attest that child abuse is disgustingly common throughout society, but the fate of 16-year-old Sylvia Likens continues to inspire shock nearly 50 years after her death. Sylvia was the daughter of itinerant carnival workers, sandwiched between sets of older and younger twins. Sylvia and her siblings were often left with relatives or boarded to allow their parents to travel.
In 1965, Sylvia’s parents separated, and her mother, Betty, was jailed for shoplifting shortly thereafter. Sylvia’s father, Lester, sent Sylvia and her sister, Jenny, to live with the mother of one of their friends, Paula Baniszwewski, promising to pay $20 a week for their care. Lester’s first payment was late, and the mother, Gertrude, swiftly turned on the girls. While Jenny saw her share of misery, Gertrude was particularly hard on Sylvia. Skeletal and asthmatic, Gertrude lacked the strength to torture Sylvia as savagely as she wanted to, so she recruited both her own children and those around the neighborhood to subject her to horrible abuses over a period of months. One boy, Coy Hubbard, used her body to practice judo. The girl was beaten so severely that she became incontinent, to which Gertrude reacted by forcing the girl to eat her own feces.
Jenny Likens attempted to get help for Sylvia by contacting their older sister, Diana. Eventually, a social worker was summoned to the house, but Gertrude managed to convince the worker that Sylvia had run away. Things came to anugly head in October 1965, when Gertrude and a neighbor boy named Ricky Hobbs took turns beating Sylvia and carving the words “I am a prostitute and proud of it” into the flesh of her abdomen. Afterward, fearing what would happen if her crimes were discovered, Gertrude forced Sylvia to write a runaway letter to her parents. When Sylvia attempted to escape, she was thrown into the basement, where she was beaten to unconsciousness with a broomstick.
Two days later, she was given a bath by Hobbs and Gertrude’s daughter, Stephanie. When she was removed from the water and placed on a bed, they realized she had stopped breathing. When police were summoned to the house, they encountered a corpse that had seen unimaginable torment. Her body was riddled with bruises and burns, and in her final moments, she’d nearly severed her lips with her teeth. Gertrude was sentenced to life in prison, while the children received lesser sentences.
Bizarrely enough, Gertrude was a model prisoner, and despite protests from Jenny Likens and countless others, she was released from prison after serving just 14 years. She died of lung cancer in 1990. Her daughter, Paula, briefly made headlines in 2012, when she was found working as a teacher’s aide in Iowa under an assumed name. When her identity was revealed, she was fired.
Gertrude’s house stood for over 40 years, inspiring neighborhood rumors that it was haunted. It was demolished in April 2009, and the property nowserves as a parking lot for a church across the street.
6Ed Gein’s House
Corner Of Archer And Second Avenues, Plainfield, Wisconsin
Any horror fan will recognize the name Ed Gein, who inspired a litany of fictional killers, including fictional ones like Norman Bates and Leatherface. Like many demented folks, Gein had a strange childhood, with an alcoholic father and a religious zealot mother. Ed and his brother, Henry, were kept quite socially isolated, and Ed became hopelessly devoted to his mother. His father died in 1940, and Henry began dating a divorced local woman the following year. He was found dead under mysterious circumstances soon after, likely Ed’s first victim. Ed’s mother then suffered a stroke, and he was forced to wait on her hand and foot, deepening the psychosis of their relationship. She died in 1945, freeing Ed to practice his grim obsessions.
He began reading the obituaries so he could raid graveyards for the freshest bodies, acquiring a collection of female human remains that he turned into various items of clothing, including masks, leggings, a corset, and a belt made of human nipples. In 1954, he killed tavern keeper Mary Hogan. He got away with it for a few years, but when local hardware store owner Bernice Worden went missing, he was quickly linked to her as the store’s last customer. A police investigation of Gein’s property revealed a slaughterhouse. Bernice, who was the mother of a Plainfield deputy, dangled from the ceiling, having been skinned like a deer. Ed had partitioned off the sections of the house his mother used, leaving them as a pristine shrine. His crammed portion of the house was strewn with filth and stinking graveyard relics.
Ed was convicted of first-degree murder, but having been found insane, he spent the rest of his years in a mental hospital. The house itself was to be put up for auction on March 30, 1958, and rumors swirled that it would be used as a tourist destination. Three days before the auction, the house burned to the ground, likely the result of arson. Today, it is a wooded area, the trees plastered with “No Trespassing” signs.
5Gary Heidnik’s House
3520 North Marshall Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Photo credit: Fox News
In 1986, he made the leap from garden variety rape and assault to full-blown kidnapping and torture, taking his first victim, Josefina Rivera, hostage in his basement at 3520 North Marshall Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Within three months, he and an accomplice, Cyril “Tony” Brown (who was mildly mentally challenged and likely at Heidnik’s mercy), had amassed a harem of five women in the basement, all of whom were young African Americans. Shortly after her capture, 24-year-old Sandra Lindsay succumbed to the torment. Heidnik dismembered her corpse, labeling her arms and legs as “dog food” and freezing them. He cooked her ribs in the oven and boiled her head on the top of the stove. The reek of smoldering human flesh had the police knocking on the front door of 3520 N. Marshall, but Heidnik convinced them the smell was from a roast that he had burned. He may have eaten some of Lindsay’s flesh or fed it to his other slaves. Another woman, Deborah Dudley, was killed when the chains that bound her were charged with electricity.
In March 1987, Heidnik abducted the woman who would be his last victim, Agnes Adams. Somehow, Josefina Rivera, the first captive, managed to convince Heidnik to let Adams go. She ran for help, and the three living women in the house were rescued. Heidnik pleaded insanity but was rebuffed. On July 6, 1999, he was executed by lethal injection. Gary Heidnik’s house still stands, a narrow and decrepit beige stucco structure in north Philadelphia a few blocks away from the apartment where Rocky Balboa lived in the original Rocky film. These days, it sports a satellite dish.
4The Clutter House
Oak Street, Holcomb, Kansas
Photo credit: Spacini
Richard Hickock and Perry Smith were small-time career criminals who had served time at Kansas State Penitentiary. While incarcerated, a fellow inmate named Floyd Wells informed Hickock of a farm where he had once worked whose owner, Herb Clutter, allegedly kept a safe stacked with cash. The men arranged to attack the farmhouse upon their release. On November 14, 1959, they cut the phone lines to the house and tied up the family—Herb, his wife, and their children, 16-year-old Nancy and 15-year-old Kenyon.
When it was revealed that there was no great fortune to be had, an enraged Smith slit Herb Clutter’s throat. The rest of the family was dispatched with shotgun blasts to the head. Hickock and Smith made a clean getaway, but after Wells heard about the murders, he promptly snitched. The pair was arrested on December 30 in Las Vegas. Both tried to plead insanity but were convicted of murder and sentenced to death. They were hanged on April 14, 1965.
Hardly the most sensational case on this list, the Clutter murders would have likely sunk into obscurity if not for novelist Truman Capote, who investigated the incident and wrote about it in the true crime classic In Cold Blood, in which he took significant liberties with the facts. The Clutter house still stands, a nondescript two-story brick structure surrounded by seven acres of flat Kansas land. It was built by Herb Clutter in 1948 for $40,000. A 1967 film adaptation of In Cold Blood was filmed at the house, and tours were given to the curious for a brief time. It is now privately owned and no longer open to the public.
3Jeffrey Dahmer’s Childhood Home
4480 West Bath Road, Bath Township, Ohio
The apartment of cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer made the top spot on a previous list, but if one killer bears repeating so soon, it’s him. In fact, Dahmer’s childhood home has suddenly acquired a whole new notoriety. In one of their bizarre publicity stunts, animal activists from PETA considered buying the property and turning it into a vegan restaurant, which they intended to call “Eat For Life: Home Cooking.” Despite insisting that their bid was serious, PETA has since changed their minds about the plan.
The house, which was put on the market for $329,000 in 2012, was the site of Dahmer’s first murder. In 1978, he killed 18-year-old hitchhiker Steven Hicks. After burying Hicks in the backyard, he exhumed the body, dissolved the flesh in acid, crushed the bones with a sledgehammer, and then scattered the remains.
2The Pickton Farm
953 Dominion Avenue, Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Photo credit: Renegade98
The humble pig is a far more intelligent than most people give it credit for, but if there is one part of its reputation this animal deserves, it is its appetite. As unrepentant omnivores, pigs will devour anything in their path. Terry Garner learned this the hard way, when the 70-year-old Oregon farmer waseaten by his pigs, a rare but not unheard-of occurrence. In fact, serial killer Robert Pickton used the voracious nature of his hogs to hide the evidence of his crimes, feeding the remains of mutilated prostitutes to the animals. By the late 1990s, the disappearance of dozens of women and tips regarding Pickton’s property began to mount, and in February 2002, police finally raided the farm.
What they found there was worse than anything anyone could have anticipated. There were body parts in freezers, bits of bone and flesh scattered throughout the property, and teeth that had passed undigested through the pigs’ stomachs. Police also found the tattered clothes and ID cards of the missing women. How many victims Robert Pickton claimed during his murderous career is unknown, but he told an officer posing as a cellmate that he had killed 49 women, and his own carelessness led him to fall shy of his goal of 50. A massive excavation effort costing approximately $70 million took place in an attempt to determine just how many people lost their lives on the farm. It was alleged in the investigation that he may have sold human meat to the public mixed in with pork. Pickton was convicted of six counts of second-degree murder and will likely spend the rest of his life in prison.
Should you choose to visit this awful place, you will find it is not located in the middle of nowhere—it’s actually sandwiched between a suburban neighborhood and a golf course. Across the street stands a massive Costco store. The rambling structures on the farm were all demolished, and today the property is fenced off, owned by the government of British Columbia under lien to pay for Pickton’s $10 million in court costs.
1The Lizzie Borden House
92 Second Street, Fall River, Massachusetts
Photo credit: dbking
Your average bed and breakfast is the very picture of serenity—historical, typically family-run establishments where floral print wallpaper can be seen in abundance. Their usual draw is proximity to tourist destinations like beaches. But for those of a decidedly more macabre bent, a stay can be had in the former Borden home, where Lizzie Borden allegedly murdered her father and stepmother in cold blood.
Andrew Borden was a wealthy businessman known for pinching pennies. For example, the family home had no indoor plumbing, although he could have well afforded it. However, he was known to be extremely generous with the family of his wife, leading to tensions between him and his daughters, Lizzie and Emma.
The folk rhyme has it that the Bordens were taken out with an axe, but the murder weapon was actually a hatchet. Mrs. Borden caught one blow across her head, and when she fell, her killer sat on her back and struck the back of her skull 19 times. Andrew was likely taking a nap on a couch downstairs when he was struck 10 or 11 times, one blow splitting his eyeball in half. Lizzie was the one to “discover” his body, calling out for a maid on the third floor.
Despite her bizarre, contradictory statements, Lizzie was acquitted of the crime. She and her sister used their considerable inheritance to move into a new house in the fashionable neighborhood of Fall River. Despite being largely ostracized, she remained there until her death in 1927.
Today, the house on 92 Second Street operates as the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast Museum. Rooms can be rented for a reasonable rate, and a stay features a tour of the property and its lurid history. Many claim that the house is haunted, and ghost cams are set up throughout the mansion with the hope of recording some mutilated specter.
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